Thursday, December 20, 2012

For you decorating/design freaks out there, you must check out Dina's Party.  Filmed in New Jersey and hosted by RHONJ's Dina Manzo, this show is all things over-the-top.  I recently watched a Christmas episode.  Amazeballs.  She transformed this hideously garish New Jersey-Italian-mansion into a gorgeous Christmas forest-type space.  Love.  I wish I got married at Christmas time.  Who doesn't love pine cones, birch branches and snow?

Reason #498 why I need a job asap:  So I can afford to build a ski lodge in Colorado for my family and friends to enjoy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas hath fallen upon us.  Now.... if it could only dump several inches of snow.  Yes readers.... I'm actually one of those people living in the Midwest that lervs snow.  True story-- EVERY person living in the Chicagoland area complains of snow.  Newsflash:  IT SNOWS IN ILLINOIS EVERY SINGLE YEAR.  Why is this so shocking for people?  If you don't like the climate than move.  Kthanksbye.

Back to that several inches of snow....  The weather forecast is calling for snow tomorrow and I couldn't be happier.  Our snowmobiles are anxiously awaiting a chance to show their skeelz (just like Santa's reindeer the day before Christmas Eve).  Additionally, Christmas should be white.  White.  Not brown with a bunch of leafless trees.  I want to see glittery, sparkly, clean-as-a-slate, fluffy snow.  Aspen Extreme style.  If you don't know what AE style is, well, rent the movie.  Amaze.

The Newtown, CT shootings.  Holy shit.  I'm still at a loss for words.  Being a mother, I absolutely can not fathom getting a phone call indicating that my SON HAS BEEN SHOT at school.  I would die.  Soapbox time:

This is not a gun issue.  This is a horrible, tragic and violent tragedy.  The person responsible should have just taken his own life..... and not several others.  What a selfish fuck.

Guns should be as difficult to get as a mortgage.  Or a job in my case.  WTF.  I'm all about the 2nd Amendment HOWEVER, with guns comes a HUGE responsibility.  Own a weapon?  Take a class and do the work to own that weapon.  Only a thug loser would carry a weapon without proper training.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I hit up the dentist yesterday.  No cavities.  Boom.  Beau doesn't have cavities either(he has two teeth, you know).

After the visit to Farrah the Awesome Hygienist, we hit up Hi-Cone.  I never thought I'd waltz through those doors again however, I had to say hello to my old work friends.  Work friends are like family-- heck, you see them more than your spouse some times.  It's better knowing that nothing has changed there, too.  Same smiling faces.  Love.  I'm also glad I didn't see my old boss.  (What a nerd to the hundredth degree.)

Question.  Will we have a white Christmas?  I sure hope so.  Kasia looks out the window every morning wondering where in the hell the snow is goddammit.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Well.  We made it.  Two teeth and not even 4 months old.  I swear, Beau is like a man-child.  With little to no "leg nuts," Little Shep is just big.  Not porky..... except fat wrists and fingers.  Poor little stink, the past few days have been rough for Beau as those sonnabitch teeth started to cut through.  He seems good now.  All he got for Christmas was his two bottom teeth.

Alaska: The Last Frontier.  My favorite show.  Lerv it.  Perhaps its the nature lover in me or Alaska's majestic beauty, this show is amaze balls.  The Kilcher family lives off the land and its great.  A preservative-free life, void of cable television and other media annoyances, The Kilchers live as people did 100 years ago.  Check it out-- and you may learn a few survival lessons.

In celebration of my new fave show, I am inspired to do a lot of container gardening on our back patio next summer.  I'm going to grow tomatoes, celery (delicious when grown), some herbs and cukes.  Hopefully, Beau will be big enough to be my right hand farmer man.

Another show I saw last night.....  "Secrets of a Trophy Wife."  WTF.  So long powerful women and progressive thinking....  This dumb bitches..... I can't even talk about it yet.  Google it.  You'll barf.  There is far too much bronzer, boobs and botox to discuss right now.

My wedding ring FINALLY fits.  I thought the damn thing would never go over my sausage digits after Beau was born.  15 weeks post birth and I'm feeling somewhat back to normal.  Things get WAY out of whack while pregnant, let me tell you.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I literally suck at time management.  When I have a free moment (mostly when Beau naps), if I'm not doing laundry, loading the dishwasher, remembering to brush my teeth/change my underpants/shower....  I just want to sit in front of the tv and zone out.  Am I a bad person?  Seriously.  I LIVE for my DVR'd episodes of RHOBH and the other garbage that entices me.

How do stay-at-home moms balance life with.... say.... 4 kids?  I have no clue how my mom did it with my bro, my twin sis and little sis.  My mom says she doesn't remember how hard it was.  Yeah right Jan.  I call bullshit.  You're just blocking it out, like a bad hangover.

I used to want 5 kids.  I am rethinking this Mormon approach to my brood.  Also, my c-section scar still hurts; not internally.... the actual scar.  It feels like a burn.  Weird.  Tori Spelling was f'in cray-cray to have her kids so close together via c-section.

I was sad this morning because Beau has officially outgrown his 3 months Carter's clothes.  Boo.  3M size is like spandex on him.  Thankfully he is cute and has puppy hair.  Also, he farts a lot which is hilarious.

He is looking much like a mix of my dad and Chris.  Although, he has my coloring-- I think that may change.  Beau's eyes appear to be blue.  I'm crossing my fingers they remain that color.

I hung Christmas lights tonight.  We are using the LED lights.  No me gusta, or however you say it.  They are bright enough.  I need the Christmas miracle to happen at our house so Santa knows to hit up our chimney.  (I want perfume for Jesus' birthday)  I'm already planning next year's light choreography.... when I have more time.  Look out Clark W.

Why are you worth knowing? We all circle the drain of qualifying our worth/what we are giving back to the universe...…. don't we?  I s...