I'm really blessed. I know people say adding more kids to the stew is harder; even less time for yourself, expensive, etc. When I close my eyes, I daydream about having a house full of teenage/young adult boys. It makes me happy. Envision Susan Sarandon's character from "Safe Passage." Thats me. We'll see what happens. I'm not getting any younger and know for sure I want more kids. One more? Four more? Please God give me multiples, then I can hang it up.
On a funny note, I went running with Beau (in the jogging stroller) and Grace-Anne/Kasia-Janice. What a joke. Kasia practically ripped my arm off trying to run after many a rabbit. Holy shit. "Leave it" is like speaking to Kasia in Yiddish.
Beau's beauhawk hath disappeared. Something happened when we were in Michigan. I don't know if its the humidity, the general state of the union or what. Breaks my heart. Come back unicorn whispies of soft magic. We miss you.