Monday, January 14, 2013

So..... tomorrow is a huge day.  I have an interview with the Regional Sales Manager from Stryker Navigation.  I'm super nervous and thrilled all mixed into one.  A fellow Puma passed along my resume to the RSM, said some kind words, and voila.... HR emailed me to set up an interview.  The past few days have been spent researching Stryker and playing the Hypothetical Game in my head..... (the stupid interview questions that are asked).

With that being, I know I'll kill it.  Positive thoughts.  Positive thoughts.

Beau is extra porky today.  The "rubber bands" on his wrists are getting tighter and thus, smooshier and porkier.  Additionally, he got a bathies last night so his skin has reached max decimals of softieness (the scientific/Latin word for soft).

I saw the first episode of this season's Bachelor.  Holy shit.  Talk about a gaggle of train wrecks.  The one-armed chic is awesome.  The shining soul in a group of cow pies.

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