Monday, January 7, 2013

I don't give a shit about Notre Dame.  I used to watch tons of college football.  I never realized how championship games (like the Super Bowl) are made out to be like the Olympics/Armageddon/Presidential inaugurations.  So annoying.  I don't care that Manti Te'O is awesome.  I'm sure he is.  God bless.  However, its just football peeps......  we should be focusing more on the problems in the Middle East.

I had my first Meetup today.  Beau and I met 3 other moms and their kids.  I was nervous.  In a hilarious way, my nervousness was justified.  I felt like I had nothing in common with these chics.  I mentioned nursing thirst to be likened to 50 bong hits.  No one laughed.  I referenced Beau by the nickname "Butter" (because he is porky and fat and soft and smoothy like butter), and one of the girls said, "thats weird."  Really?  I'm glad I didn't call him the names that we have chosen for my niece Gertie-- they would have kicked me out.  (PS her nicknames are Underpants, Magic, Smoosh, Mooshie, Circle and Margie Beth).

I'm all about second chances.  So, I'm going to give the Meetup chics another turn.  Perhaps we can get rip roaring drunk and see if they are funnier?


Katie said...

Ugh, the mom groups. I had dreams of finding a magical group of friends that I totally hit it off with never happened. It was the same thing- I had nothing in common with them and I didn't find anyone with my same sense of humor. I hope the next meeting goes better- kudos to you for giving it another shot! If it's any consolation, I'd totally start a cool moms group with you if we lived in the same state.

Also, thanks for the nice comment on my's nice to hear that someone besides my mom likes to read it ;)

Amy Burkhart said...

Dude. I would be in your mom group. i can't find any here either that are cool

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