Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snapping Necks and Cashing Checks

"The gays."  I thought I had escaped this phrase.  Apparently, its reared its ugly-ass head once again.  Let me elaborate....

I used to work in an environment jammed packed with ignorant-boys-club-stuck-in-the-80s-challenged-males.  Sometimes, during our lunch hour in the office cafeteria, there would be conversation steered toward the alternate lifestyle niche.  What a mistake.  The conversation would continue to flow and by golly, one of the igno-jerks would say something along the line of "those gays" or "the gays" or the best.....  "them gays."  Jesus Lord in Heaven.

Is this not 2013.  Being gay doesn't mean shit.  Its the same as being a vegetarian, or a Catholic, or a fucking Republican.  Hell, why don't we just pull out some great slang from the 50s while we are at for any person who isn't Caucasian.

I'm so glad I no longer work at said office.  In fact, while I'm exiting the subject, let me just say that no less than 65% of this particular's staff are racist as hell and should be scolded.  Shit.

Moving on....  Beau is wearing 9 month clothing from Carter's.  Did I mention he is 4 months old?  Yeah.  Let the record show that he is void of "leg nuts," i.e. chunky rolls in the upper region of the inner thigh.  The kid has abs, I swear.  He can do a push-up with a clap.  No joke.

As he gets older, he looks more "boy" than baby.  So cute and smooshy, I just want to squeeze him.

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