Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A horseshit holiday season if you ask me.  The culprit?  No snow.  WTF.  I pray every night to Baby Jesus (Hey-soos) Christi in the Manger that He may DUMP significant snow on the greater Chicagoland area.  Does He deliver?  No.  Instead, He hooked up Minnesota, Michigan and Indiana.  I swear, there have been a few Nor'Easters blow in and literally, bypass Chicago all together.  So, here we are, January 2..... not a drop of snow.  Just cold.  What a waste.

In other news, Chris broke his ankle a week ago.  How you ask?  Snowmobiling.  Got his gam stuck in a snow pile (in Lake Geneva, WI) and the sled kept going while his foot stay in place.  No likey.  He has to wear a boot for 4-6 weeks.

Beau rocked his first Christmas.  He received lots of toys and books from family members.  Additionally, he is an ace at ripping paper (once the paper is lodged between his pork chops digits and he grabs ahold).

Above is a pic of Beau, with the help of Mimi, dancing beside the Spring Break duck (playing the Party Rock Anthem).  While he can't pop n' lock, he can move his fanny really fast and bend his legs real fast.

Gertie Beth seems to be adjusting nicely to sharing the spotlight as a Mofo grandchild.  Pepe and Mimi love them the same although, GB is funnier and does some pretty hilarious tricks.  Please take note of his amaze balls hair.  She also likes to stick her fingers in Little Shep's mouth/eyes/nose/ears.

Beau now weighs 17 lbs and is a moose cake.  He doesn't have leg nuts but he does house VERY soft arms and legs.  Peanut butter softies as I call it.

I'm still job hunting and it sucks.  NOT ONE RESPONSE from all 347 applications I have submitted.  So annoying.  

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