Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I hit up the dentist yesterday.  No cavities.  Boom.  Beau doesn't have cavities either(he has two teeth, you know).

After the visit to Farrah the Awesome Hygienist, we hit up Hi-Cone.  I never thought I'd waltz through those doors again however, I had to say hello to my old work friends.  Work friends are like family-- heck, you see them more than your spouse some times.  It's better knowing that nothing has changed there, too.  Same smiling faces.  Love.  I'm also glad I didn't see my old boss.  (What a nerd to the hundredth degree.)

Question.  Will we have a white Christmas?  I sure hope so.  Kasia looks out the window every morning wondering where in the hell the snow is goddammit.

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