Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas hath fallen upon us.  Now.... if it could only dump several inches of snow.  Yes readers.... I'm actually one of those people living in the Midwest that lervs snow.  True story-- EVERY person living in the Chicagoland area complains of snow.  Newsflash:  IT SNOWS IN ILLINOIS EVERY SINGLE YEAR.  Why is this so shocking for people?  If you don't like the climate than move.  Kthanksbye.

Back to that several inches of snow....  The weather forecast is calling for snow tomorrow and I couldn't be happier.  Our snowmobiles are anxiously awaiting a chance to show their skeelz (just like Santa's reindeer the day before Christmas Eve).  Additionally, Christmas should be white.  White.  Not brown with a bunch of leafless trees.  I want to see glittery, sparkly, clean-as-a-slate, fluffy snow.  Aspen Extreme style.  If you don't know what AE style is, well, rent the movie.  Amaze.

The Newtown, CT shootings.  Holy shit.  I'm still at a loss for words.  Being a mother, I absolutely can not fathom getting a phone call indicating that my SON HAS BEEN SHOT at school.  I would die.  Soapbox time:

This is not a gun issue.  This is a horrible, tragic and violent tragedy.  The person responsible should have just taken his own life..... and not several others.  What a selfish fuck.

Guns should be as difficult to get as a mortgage.  Or a job in my case.  WTF.  I'm all about the 2nd Amendment HOWEVER, with guns comes a HUGE responsibility.  Own a weapon?  Take a class and do the work to own that weapon.  Only a thug loser would carry a weapon without proper training.

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