Monday, February 22, 2016

Let's air that shit out.  Its Monday which means its time for the airing of the grievances. Funny enough, I don't have anything to air today.  Weird?  Yes.  I know.  Save the sarcasm.

The only thing really worth mentioning is our good friend Farrah..... always doing ignorant things to make it into my blog. #sneakysneaky I'm beginning to think Farrah considers me before words come out of her mouth.  Truth.

When is this chic going to get it?  I mean really get it.  Farrah's mom obviously thinks she is changing the world, which she is..... by putting her name on porn shit and parenting books.  Perf.  Love the branding ideas.

Just in case you do a double take, I may be in a fitness magazine like, tomorrow, because I started walking my dog at 5 every morning.  Seriously though, dawn is the only time of day I'm not working in an office or being a mom.  

I joined Beachbody On Demand so I could do workouts (via my laptop) in my basement.  So, if there is bad weather or some other reason I can't get outside in the morning, it'll be me and my sports bra in the basement gettin' our sweat on.

TV Land Classic 80s dancing retro kristen wiig

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