Monday, June 17, 2013

9 months hath come and gone with the little one.  I can't believe what he is capable of in such a short amount of time.  He is crawling around, pulling up on everything, loves opening/closing doors and now, climbing things.  Holy shit we have an animal on our hands.

Beau only wants "people food" and could give two you-know-whats about jarred/pouched baby food.  Last night, he had filet and scalloped potatoes.  Not bad.  His palette is refined.

Honestly, I get frustrated with Beau because he is a mover.  Shep doesn't like having to lay down for diaper changes or getting his clothes on.  NO LIKEY.  Its often a struggle with him crying and me yelling/swearing/singing SUPER loud to distract him.  

Also, kudos to Kasia the wonder dog.  She puts up with so much crap from Shep.  He will pull her toenails, poke her eyes and fish hook her nose.  Kasia just sits there, patiently, while secretly plotting to beat the crap out of Beau.
Size 4 underpants

Size 1 underpants

Also, the beauhawk is officially gone.  I don't know if its the turmoil in the Middle East, increasing gas prices or the humidity however, the beauhawk has left the building.  Not good.  Feelings are sad around here.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Well, if nothing else, at least he's freaking adorable, right? I feel the same way about Becks- there's no more snuggling, just kicking me, squirming away, and screeching.

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