Friday, January 18, 2013

Porkies and Smooshies

Beau is officially 5 months old (as of the 16th).  He is a man child.  Two teeth, rolling over from back to stomach/stomach to back and ALWAYS wanting to stand.  Not good.  This little pup pup will be crawling sooner than Kasia can eat a french fry.  Nonetheless, our Little Shep has morphed into quite the little cutie pie.  He has inherited my blue eyes and blonde hair however, everything else is Chris.  Chris' ears, hands/fingers.....  and my father's eye shape.  Random, right?  We are still awaiting his personality style-- I vote me.  He is loud and loves to smile and laugh.... and he farts a lot.

No me gusta teething.  Shep prefers to lick to side of a cold margarita glass (with cocktail in it)... not safe per say.

I blogged about a job interview the last time around.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a second interview.  No lie-- I cried for about 10 minutes.  The frustration is growing and I'm very afraid I won't find a job EVER.  I miss working-- I miss adult conversation and the hustle of networking and making money.  So, to all my fans out there, ANY help is greatly appreciated, whether its advice or an email address of someone who may want to hire me, etc.

Last night Chris and I went to dinner (with Shep) with some friends.  Amy is the mother of 4 (5, 3, and twin 4 month olds) and Megan.  Both chics rock and I love the conversation we have when we're together.  Amy makes me think I could easily pull off raising 4 kids without losing my hair and becoming addicted to heroin.  Megan on the other hand, makes me miss being without child and fancy free.  Its all a balancing act I suppose.

Chris' new construction company, CEW Construction is up and running.  He is booked out for the next few months which is great.  He seems to love the flexibility of being his own boss, too.  No more herding cats on the job site.

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